Exercise Rehabilitation
Research-based exercise rehabilitation is included as part of the management plan for our patients to
ensure complete recovery from acute sporting injuries and chronic conditions. Exercises involving
therabands, swiss balls, free weights, resistance bands and the pilates reformer may be incorporated
into each session. Mobility, Strengthening and Stability are key to the achieving the best outcomes for
all our patients. We aim to empower our patients with this knowledge and the ability to effectively
rehabilitate, manage and prevent further injuries in the future with appropriate exercise prescription.
MedX Expertise
We support our patients participation in a wide variety of sports such as golf, swimming, soccer, martial
arts, running, triathlons, gymnastics, cross fit, surf boat rowing, surfing, boxing at both professional and
also social levels. Common acute sporting injuries sustained by our patients include hamstring tears,
ankle sprains, knee injuries, rotator cuff tears, rib strains, calf tears and IT band pain, acute fractures,
strains, pains and everything in between . We also rehabilitate chronic and recurrent presentations such
as plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, rotator cuff tendinopathies, hamstring strains, core instability, muscle
weakness and imbalances, growth related conditions and also specialised post surgical rehabilitation
protocols. Each management plan is created to support the individual patient needs, expediting the
recovery process and return to activity as soon as possible.